
Jacks and Pups

This morning I had Larry and his sons Sean and Donovan.  These guys have fished with me for a few years now.   We’ve done the trout and redfish thing – so they were ready for something a little larger.  We headed out the wreck this morning.  It wasn’t super smooth – but it wasn’t too bad either.  We got out there and got on the jacks pretty good.  These guys had a blast and did great!  Thanks so much for fishing with me again guys – great to see you.

The afternoon trip I had an old High School buddy that I haven’t seen in over 10 years.   We had a really good time on the boat – and caught a handful of drum.  They really wanted some meat so we went looking for a cobia. No luck….. I get a lot of emails about cobia.  They are pretty hit or miss right now, mostly miss.   Thanks guys!

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No pics report

Less then ideal conditions today.  Strong winds and rain in and out.   Had Tim and company on board.  We did manage to find a few drum.  The guys wanted some meat so we tried to find a cobia, but no luck.  We still had a great time. Thanks guys


Great Amberjack fishing this morning.  Tried some other options, but couldnt resist the run out to the wreck with the lake like conditions.  Arrived to the wreck and we had it to ourselves.  The Jacks were fired up – caught em on live and artificial.  Fun day!

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Very few slot drum being caught this year but we found one today. However, it was the only drum we found. Got the kids on some bottom fish then ran outside. Saw a couple dink cobia, a huge shark, and a couple giant manta rays. Below average fishing but a great time on the water.
