
Bday trout

Had Rob and Matt on the boat this morning.  We started out the morning with some troutin’.   We caught a bunch of small ones, but Rob finally found one for the box.   A pretty 22″ football trout.  We changed gears mid morning in search of some flounder.  We caught a pile of dinks but we did manage 2 keepers.   Caught some bluefish too.  Non stop action for these guys – fun trip!

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Cobia and Bookings

3 for 9 today on a purdy day down in Hatteras.  David got him a solid 63 pounder to go with our two 25-30 pounders.   My next open day is June 9th. 

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Sure did see alot today.  Embarrasing ratio of sightings to catches but we got a few to the boat.  IMG_8216 IMG_8222


Game on!

Yeeeehawww! Got the first couple cobia on the boat today for Bill and Walt from Pennsylvania.  Saw 7. Great conditions. Felt so good to be back in the tower looking for em!   Booking up June pretty quickly so give me a shout if you want to get on some cobia action before they shut down the season on June 20th.


See ya soon!

Looks like Tuesday will kick off my COBIA season.  YES!!!!!!! I love trout fishing, but I am ready for my groups to hear the drag screaming!    My Daughter turns 6 years old today, so my Pops came down a little early for the party so we could sneak out for some mid day troutin’….. Plenty of dinks to keep us busy.  Don’t get much better then jammin’ to some country music and catching a few fish with my ol Man.
