Category Archives: Fishing Charter

Still Kickin’

We slipped out for an hour while we had a break in the weather. . . We have had the most erratic and unpredictable weather lately.  The wind was howling all day but it decided to drop out and give us a little window to go find dinner.  We managed two bites, a trout and a flounder.  The time spent from the water to the oven was about 1 hour for these fish.  Doesn’t get much fresher then that!


Mid Day Doldrums

I fished with my friend, musician, and darn good angler Ed Tupper.  We fished mid day, during a blue bird sunny day.  This is not typically when I like to fish.  We made the best of it and found some trout.  I also managed to catch the worlds smallest flounder.  We couldn’t pass up the nice weather and an opportunity to slide out for a couple hours.  Here is a shot of the dinky flounder, and a pic of Ed after a good morning of trout fishing about a month ago (we didn’t take any photos of his trout during this session so I stole an old shot.)

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Proud Daddy

I took my 3 year old daughter out about a week ago on one of those sunny beautiful afternoons.   It was her first time on the boat and she loved it! I got her a barbie fishing pole for her birthday, and she was having a great time practicing her cast with the toy fish.  I managed to hook a pretty decent trout, and of course I had to hand off the rod.  She fought it all the way in, and even held it with the boga grip.  Here is Hazel with her first trout!


Few and far between

Spent this gloomy, rainy, stormy Saturday morning with my father who was down from Virginia Beach. The days spent fishing with my “Pops” have become way too far apart. We fished for an hour at the crack of light before the lightning had other plans for us. We both had bacon and eggs on our mind so we decided to head to Jolly Rodgers to ride out the storm. We went back out and managed a few trout and a puppy drum. The bite was slow, and I would of liked to put my Dad on a few more fish, but hey, thats fishin’


Caught a few, missed a few….

Snuck out for an hour with my friend Chris Mascio for some late evening trout fishing.  The wind was honking so we had to find some protected waters. We got to a little creek mouth and managed to catch a few, break some line, sling some mud, and miss some bites.   A beautiful evening on the water out of the wind with an awesome sunset to boot.
