Category Archives: Fishing Charter

Inshore action

We’ve had some great inshore fishing for speckled trout and reds. There have been some BIG trout around! I appreciate all the inquiries I am trying hard to stay on top of voicemails and emails. I am typically booked up 2-3 weeks out so if you call me during evening hours and want to fish the next day please forgive me if I do not get back to you!!! Thanks for checking


They’re here! Excellent cobia fishing yesterday. We had plenty of shots and caught 15. Kept our limit of 4 and a couple drum. Excellent sight fishing conditions! . Thanks for checking!

Better everyday

The fishing continues to heat up as we are seeing water temperatures creeping up and hovering in the mid 60s. Plenty of puppy drum and trout around, somedays they are easier to find than others, but excellent catches are out there to be had! We just added a new trip to the trips and rates page! Our 2.5 Hour Family Fishing Adventure is a great way to get the young kids out for the perfect length fishing trip. Shoot me an email to get your trip setup! Thanks for checking

It’s gettin’ there

Still waiting for the fishing to bust wide open! Ive had a few trips that have been willing to go brave the slow fishing reports. We’ve caught a couple trout and flounder and alot of catfish but the floodgates haven’t really opened up yet. We need some stable warm weather and it looks like we have a few days ahead of us so hopefully we have a better report for you! Thanks for checking.

Open for Business!

We’re back in action! Temps are warming up and the fish are moving in. I did some scouting and found plenty of speckled trout and keeper drum recently. It will only continue to get better as we ease in to spring. Give me a call and lets get on the water! Thanks for checking.