Author Archives: dave lusk


Hey guys, sorry for the lack of fishing reports – haven’t been fishing much!  My buddy Patrick and I ran the boat around Kitty Hawk Bay last night for a scouting mission to see if we could find some fish.   Seems to be plenty of drum closer to the inlet, but didn’t have any bites. We did see some dolphins feeding on some kind of fish.  We were too far away to tell what it was but they were throwing fish out of the water that appeared to be 18-20″ long.  My guess would be puppy drum, but maybe trout or mullet.  Who knows?!


I got my bracket in for my 8ft Power Pole to be installed.   My good buddy Marc over at Rock On Charters is going to help me install it when he gets back from Florida sometime next week.   Also, I am getting a removable sight casting tower for the front of my boat.   I am looking forward to sight casting cobia as well as puppy drum in the flats.   The inspiration came from Capt. Blair Wiggins bay boat seen on the video linked below. Thanks for checking Salt Minded Charters, it is time to book a trip so give me a call 252-455-9790


Looks promising

Puppy drum fishing is setting up to be ridiculous in the sound this year. They seem to be pretty thick everywhere! Looking forward to putting some charters on some drag screaming puppy drum on light tackle. These fish are loads of fun and they will explode on a topwater plug as well. Spent some more time on the water in my Hobie kayak with my brother recently. We found a big school of pups backed up in a shallow creek. Sight casted them for a while then took out the fly rods and wore them out. Call me – its time to book a trip!

Photo by Matt Lusk
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Pups on the fly

Finally did some kayak fishing close to home the other day.  Matt and I loaded up the Hobies and headed down south looking for some drum.  We found a nice school of upper slot fish backed up in a shallow creek.  We caught them on popping corks, jigs, and on our fly rods.  It was just one of those magical days on that keeps us going back for more.


Mountain Trout

Spent the weekend at the family timeshare at Massanutten.    The conditions on the slopes were not so great with alot of ice.  Matt and I decided to head to some mountain streams to do some fly fishing.  Matt has been doing alot of fly fishing this year at home.  I purchased my first fly rod at Mossy Creek Outfitters and we headed to the stream.   We fished the Dry River and Mossy Creek.  We managed a few small brook trout, but we still had an awesome time.


Can’t wait to put this fly rod to use on the puppy drum and trout here at home!

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