Author Archives: dave lusk


Took Ken and Sam on a gigging charter last night. I don’t typically do gigging charters, but these guys were the perfect candidates to go and do it , and they were pumped up.  So we headed out and started combing the flats.  We start seeing fish right away, but alot of small ones. Sam sticks the first one, and Ken follows up with the the fish of the night shortly after.  Cruised around the flats and got a few more here and there.  Beautiful night with prime conditions.  Enjoyed their company – thanks guys!

This morning was one of those times when the alarm starts going off, and you swear you just fell asleep.  Anyways, hook up the boat and meet my morning crew at the ramp.   We did pretty good on the flounder, picked through some throwbacks and kept 4.  Thanks guys, see you next year!

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This morning I had Shawn, Jacob, Riley, and Kane with me for some light tackle action.  We started off in the shallows searching for drum.  The water was gin clear – so while we did do  alot of fan casting, I was mainly trying to spot them to sight cast.  We drifted the entire flat that has been very productive lately – not this morning.  Made a move and found stripers?!  We caught a bunch in the 18″ range – which gave the youngins some pullage.  Pulled throwback flounder out of the same spot.  Went back on the prowl for some meaty puppy drum – but no love from them.  They had a blast, and so did I. Thanks for joining me guys

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Thad & Company

Had an awesome group of 3 with me this afternoon for a 6hr trip.  We started at 2pm and ran off the beach looking for a Cobia.  We saw a ton of rays, but never saw a cobia so we came back inside.

It didn’t take long until we were on a nice drum bite.  We had a double up shortly after we arrived – and hooked up a third a few minutes later.  We ended up catching a bunch of drum at that spot.

We left them biting in hopes of picking up some flounder or trout.   We bounced around all over the place. Not to mention the wind was SW at about 20mph+  We ended up catching 1 small flounder and pulling off a keeper trout right next to the boat.  Great crew, great trip – see you guys next year!


Fishin’ Tradition

My Pops joined my brother an I for an afternoon of fishing today.  We try to squeeze in some type of fishing every year on Father’s Day.  Last year, we went offshore and caught tuna.  This year – we decided to stay in about a foot of water and chase drum on the flats.  The first stop had a nice slough running down the side of the flat, and the ole man hooks a really nice flounder on his first cast.  We venture on over to another flat and started sight casting to them.  The water was crystal clear!  What a great afternoon with our Pops.

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Cruising, swimming, and tailing

Took my daughter Hazel out in the Kayak for some daddy-daughter time.  We cruised around the canals looking for wild life.  After that we headed to some sandy bottom flats where we got out and swam around for a bit.  Before we headed in, of course, we had to squeeze in some fishing.  We drifted across a very shallow flat and found a bunch of drum tailing in about 8″ of water.  Sight casted a few of them and let Hazel reel them in. It was a great time!