Author Archives: dave lusk

Hero to zero

Brutally slow fishing for me today. I  guess you can’t call “slow if you don’t catch anything at all.  That’s fishing for ya.  It does happenseat

Drum galore

pretty darn good fishing today,  particularly in the afternoon. Puppy drum all you wanted and then we hit a wad of monsters.

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Slacking on my blog posts lately. Still catching allot of trout few keepers,  drum,  flounder, and stripers inshore.  Scattered mahi, cobia, and big drum in the ocean.




Been a rough week of bad weather. Lots of t storms and rain but finally had a short clearing this evening that really wasn’t that clear we got rained on but we caught about a dozen drum , bunch of trout mostly throwbacks,  and a keeper flounder. Thanks guys!IMG_20170808_210438_793