Well, this is the first time I have actually sat down at my computer and written out a report. I found a way to do it on my phone, but unfortunately it isn’t that easy and I have been keeping it way too short so I am sorry about that. One thing I always told myself I would never do no matter how busy I got was not take half decent pictures and not keep my website updated. I’ve started to slack a little but I’m going to turn that around!
OK, back to the fishing. It has been the best cobia fishing I have ever seen. Unbelievable numbers…. We have gotten so spoiled that I don’t know how I’ll ever go back to normal cobia fishing. We are seeing fish every 10-15 minutes and it is has been pairs, triples, and big packs of fish. In the early part of the season we were seeing piles of them but not alot of big fish. We have finally started to see the larger fish and we have gotten a few really nice ones to the boat. Really hoping to get an 80 or 90 pounder this year. Im DUE!
I haven’t been fishing the sound at all but I imagine the trout and puppy drum fishing is heating up. We have been able to get in the ocean every day so I haven’t messed with them much.
Thanks so much for checking and thank you all for fishing with me I appreciate it so much more then you know!