Yearly Archives: 2017

Drum galore

pretty darn good fishing today,  particularly in the afternoon. Puppy drum all you wanted and then we hit a wad of monsters.

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Slacking on my blog posts lately. Still catching allot of trout few keepers,  drum,  flounder, and stripers inshore.  Scattered mahi, cobia, and big drum in the ocean.




Been a rough week of bad weather. Lots of t storms and rain but finally had a short clearing this evening that really wasn’t that clear we got rained on but we caught about a dozen drum , bunch of trout mostly throwbacks,  and a keeper flounder. Thanks guys!IMG_20170808_210438_793


Going to run some cobia trips out of Virginia Beach towards the end of August.  Give me a shout if you are interested in booking a trip!



Mahi in sight of land

Nice catch of bailers and a pretty gaffer today inshore. Had some young kids this afternoon and we caught bottom fish,  trout,  and a bonus nice black drum.
