Ben came down from PA to visit the Outer Banks as well as join me for a few guided fishing trips. We hit the sound a couple times and caught a few puppy drum. The bite was OK at best, and I was hoping for better.
The last mission of the trip turned into a hunt for monster drum. When we talked a couple months ago, I told him the timing of the trip was spot on to try to get one from the sand. Well, it really hasn’t started yet. Alot of resident fish have been caught on the piers during hard NE blows, and a handful have been caught in Corolla. The big push from Virginia hasn’t really happened yet.
I told him it was a long shot – but we gave it a go anyway. The conditions were doable at best. NE wind 10+ and some 1-2ft chop. You really want a SW wind to fish Corolla. When I paddled the first rounds of baits out – I was dropped them in a big pod of bunker. That was a huge confidence boost. We soaked them for an hour and reeled them back in.
Put another round of baits out and soaked them for an hour as well. Reeled those back in without a bite. Finally, we decided we would run one more round of baits out. I was starting to lose a little hope – I just didn’t think it was going to happen. We hung in there and grinded it out though.
After about 10 minutes one of the rods finally jumps. It wasn’t the typical screaming run of the clicker. It was a slight bend in the rod and a couple clicks off the reel. Ben was standing right there to bring it tight and bury the circle hook. The whole fight I was saying in my head “shark shark shark” .
Finally got the beast in the wash and I saw the first glimbse of the big ol beautiful red. I was ecstatic and so was Ben. What a way to cap off his trip. I knew this mission was going to be make or break for his trip down – and the plan came together! What an awesome afternoon!
Thank you so much Ben , I thoroughly enjoyed your company and look forward to a lasting relationship. Here is Bens 45″ beauty.