Monthly Archives: May 2014

Kayak Fish Magazine Cover

My brother got a request from one of the editors of the magazine looking for a cover shot for the summer issue.  Matt gave me a call, and we went searching for some fish…. The funny thing was it was the middle of winter, and freezing outside.  Stoked to say that we found the motherload of drum backed up in a creek and Matt nailed the shot.  Here is the shot of me fighting a slot sized puppy drum while standing in my Hobie Outback Kayak.  Big thanks to my brother Matt as he did all the work and all I had to do was go fishing.  Thanks Matt!


Monster Black Drum from the kayak *video*

Wrestled with these giant sea creatures in our kayaks on Sunday afternoon at the shoals of Cape Hatteras. Matt and I headed down with intentions of finding a school of big red drum or even a cobia, but we were surprised with massive black drum in the 60-70+ pound range schooled up on the surface. We casted buck tails to them and they put up an incredible fight! Lots of life out there, can’t wait to go back. We had our gopros rolling so I put together a little video for you guys. Another epic fishing adventure with my brother.


More Pups

Had an afternoon charter today,  and once again we smoked the puppy drum.  We had our limit in the first 5 minutes of fishing.  He insisted that I fish with him, I didn’t argue =)  Call me to get in on this hot bite!
